Overview of the Kubeflow user interfaces (UIs)
Your WizStudio deployment includes a central dashboard that provides quick access to the Kubeflow components deployed in your cluster. The dashboard includes the following features:
Shortcuts to specific actions, a list of recent pipelines and notebooks, and metrics, giving you an overview of your jobs and cluster in one view.
A housing for the UIs of the components running in the cluster, including Pipelines, Katib, Notebooks, MLFlow, Airbyte and more.
A registration flow that prompts new users to set up their namespace if necessary.
Overview of Kubeflow UIs
The Kubeflow UIs include the following:
Home: Home, the central hub to access recent resources, active experiments, and useful documentation.
Notebook Servers: To manage Notebook servers.
Models: To manage deployed KFServing models.
Volumes: To manage the cluster’s Volumes.
Experiments (KFP): To manage Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) experiments.
Pipelines: To manage KFP pipelines.
Runs: To manage KFP runs.
Recurring Runs: To manage KFP recurring runs.
MLFlow: To track ML Metadata, Experiments and register Models.
Airbyte: To configure and execute data ETL jobs.
Manage Contributors: To configure user access sharing across namespaces in the Kubeflow deployment.
The central dashboard looks like this:
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